
2º Treino – Plano B

● Bicycle Recline Walk

Informações: 10 min

● Cable Reverse Grip Pulldown

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Cable Seated Row with V bar

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Lever High Row (plate loaded)

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Lever One Arm Lateral High Row

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Cable Triceps Pushdown (V bar)

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Dumbbell Bench Dip

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Cable Pushdown (with rope attachment)

Séries: 3x 12/10/8
Descanso: 60''

● Staggered Leg Side Bridge

Séries: 3x 30''
Descanso: 30''

● Dumbbell Russian Twist with Legs Floor Off

Séries: 3x 20
Descanso: 30''
CodePen - Stopwatch
